Media Blasting

     The best coating is only as good as the preparation of the substrate it is applied too.  MPS has found that with proper mechanical etching that abrasive blasting provides, if prepares it allows the powder to grab on and gives you the most durable long lasting finish possible. With a 21' by 15' by 12' blast room, we can blast nearly anything our customers require in house the same day the parts are scheduled to be coated.  Most of our powder coating and painting quotes include a complete strip/blast job to ensure the best finish possible. 

    We also provide stand alone blasting services.  We can blast your projects that require wet coatings or plating operations after blasting.  Abrasive blasting is a great way to prep industrial equipment for industrial paint or to strip a car body down to prepare for body work and paint.  We firmly believe that a great finish starts with a good clean substrate and proper prep.

Advantages of MPS Media Blasting Services:

  • For a wet coat or a powder coat a blasted piece with proper mechanical profile will ensure the best adhesion and long term durability.
  • We use Garnet to prep for powder coating which removes all rust and scale leaving you with an excellent white metal finish and proper etch for coating adhesion.
  • Our glass bead blasting capabilities can achieve a satin blast finish on stainless steel, aluminium, cast iron, etc.
  • Walnut blasting allows us to blast more sensitive substrates what would warp with other more aggressive medias such as car bodies, thin sheet metal, and wood.
  • We offer free consultation on which media may be better than others for your project.  MPS has experience with many different medias and substrates and can insure proper cleaning/etching for your particular project without the fear of warping or damage.

If you have any questions about the services we offer please feel free to email us at or call us at 815-874-7631.